Tagged blue ticking


Creating a Layout with Canvas Corp Mix and Match Pad “Gone Fishing Layout”

Have you tried Canvas Corp Mix and Match Pads?  They are made up of 16 different printed papers, printed fabric, burlap, canvas and specialty paper in a wide range of themes that pull it all together for you.  Choose the theme and let your creative juices flow. Crew Member, Jennifer Hottinger-Sloan started with the Sand and Sea Mix and Match Pad….


New Release: Ticking & Denim Fabrics

Our newest favorite basic fabric is Ticking, one of the oldest fabrics available. Its origin dates back to 1000 AD as a utility fabric that was designed to hold down the inside of pillow cases and bedding.  Ticking has come a long way, but was a very important fabric in homes and beds around the…

This blog is a compilation of inspiration from the Canvas Corp Brands family including Canvas Corp, Tattered Angels and 7Gypsies.