A wonderful letter….

was received by Wendy, the owner of Tattered Angels which we would love to share in excerpts with you because it is such an inspirational and uplifting story of Dianne who is a cancer survivor:
Hi Wendy!

As promised, I am sending you the story I mentioned to you while at the
Scrapbooker’s Paradise store in Calgary this past weekend.


On Sept 7th, 2007 I was working at Scrapbooker’s Paradise when I got a call to
come in to discuss results from a test. I told the manager I would be back in 20
minutes, but after being told I had Leukemia, it would be 2 years before I went
back to work.
By the next day I was starting chemo and was told my chance of survival depended
on finding a bone marrow donor so I could have a stem cell transplant to save my
life. I spent the next 4 months in the hospital. It was crazy and my life of
raising 3 boys came to an complete standstill. My husband juggled everything
while I lived in the hospital. Fortunately we have lots of friends and since we
have always been a huge part of the community with tons of volunteering, the
help came back to us in droves. Everyday a hot meal was delivered at 5:00 so the
boys could eat and get off to their sports. The positive, amazing changes that
happened in our life was overwhelming.The struggles were difficult  but I  I
became an inspiration to so many, even when I was at my very weakest in my life.
I saw 7 people with the same disease die in 4 months and I was determined to
live, being loved by so many, especially my family. I was very blessed.
One of the greatest supports were the staff and customers at the North store
here. Even now, customers still come in and ask how I am feeling and are always
thankful I am back! Last year our customers loved it when I did a
scrapbooking/card making garage sale at a community hall. We encourged staff and
customers to bring in product they didn’t want and donate it, the money going to
Leukemia. We raised $3000, which in turn helped my family/team raise over
$50,000 for the Leukemia Light the Night walk! It was overwhelming and I am so
incredibly thankful to have all these wonderful things happen to me while
fighting to get healthy.
3 months after starting chemo I was sad to hear that none of my sibling were a
match for stem cells. Fortunately though, I was told a week before Xmas that a
donor was found. He was a 34 year old male. That is all we knew. It was hard not
knowing, and my new goal in life was to survive the transplant so I could one
day thank this stranger who saved my life. We talked about him, who he was, what
was he like, and a constant feeling of being so thankful and lucky! The mystery
of who he was almost drove me crazy! Did he fish and like football my husband
It was only just after this happened that the girls at work knew I was really
sick and needed to cheer me up. In came a new shipment of liquid gold! That is
where the Tattered Angels became a part of my life! The girls came in and I just
couldn’t wait to see new stuff! Keep in mind that my room was filled with
scrapbook pages. I also needed SO bad to create, as that is what I love. When I
felt just a little ok, I would make cards. The doctors and nurses would get all
these cards and I had a little corner in my room when I had the strength to make
something. I soon became a very popular patient!!
For the first time ever, I got to spray these georgous colors! We covered the
bed with plastic bed sheets(my version of the splat mat!) and went crazy. We
oohed and aahed over the colors. My doctor already had an appreciation for me as
I got my boys to bring in paper quite often for his wife, since she was a
scrapbooker! I felt so much grattitude for his help that I just had to do
SOMETHING!!(funny, as I was always getting gifts, and most of them were angels
in one shape or form, so it seemed fitting that the name of your company had an
ANGEL in it!!!!It was one thing I remember so well from the hospital time I
I just found the photo this morning and it is priceless! You will like it, as I
am grinning from ear to ear and have the Glimmer Mist in my hand! It was an
exciting morning!

I just wanted to tell you this story for a very important
I have learned so much from having cancer. It is so important when anyone does
something to make a difference in your life, may it be small or large, to let
them know. Grattitude and appreciation of small things is now huge. So thank you
for creating such a great product!
Being able to create with your wonderful products makes me happy! LOVE IT!!! I
get so excited when teaching a class, and seeing all these colors is great! I
almost didn’t come on Friday, but things happen for a reason. You have spent
many years developing your products, company, etc and hearing first hand from
people how they love your product is likely what keeps you going the most.
Anyhow, just wanted you to know that.
Well, I hope this wasn’t too long of a story. However, I must tell you one more
thing. A year after my transplant I couldn’t wait to finally make some sort of
connection with my donor. Would he want to contact me after this one year
waiting period that is the medical law? Again, sleepless nights wondering and
waiting. We did connect and that is the most beautiful part of my story…He
too, spent the entire year thinking daily of me, talking about me, wondering who
I was, and if I had even lived…
Our first phone call was 2 hours long as we both cried and got to know each
other! After 3 weeks of non stop emails, photos,phone calls, he told me that I
was the most inspiring person he had ever met and therefore was running a
marathon in my honor. He is an American, and had been a soldier in Afganistan.
Talking to him on the phone was no longer enough. I just HAD to meet him! To San
Diego I went to watch him cross the finish line of his marathon! It was simply
the most amazing weekend of my life! He has come here 2 times, and was the guest
of honor for the Leukemia walk. He is one of the most amazing men. I am so lucky
to have yet another great man in my life, besides my husband and boys! He is
part of our family, the boys treat him like a big brother!
Well, I could tell you so many more things, but I am quite sure you have read
enough now! Sorry if I went on and on.


I made an album with all the ups and downs of having cancer,
and every once in awhile I bring it, have a good cry(tears of joy and sadness)
and think about the impact that journey has had on my life.
Thanks again for all the wonderful stuff you create to help us be more


Dianne Mahura

Thank you so much Dianne for sharing your story with us! It will stay with our Tattered Angels Team for a long time, inspiring us to carry on our work. We wish you all the best and send you big hugs!

Nat Kalbach


Canvas Corp Brands is the home of Tattered Angels, 7Gypsies and Canvas Corp (Canvas Home Basics). We are a manufacturer of surfaces, paint and vintage reproductions coming to you from Springdale, Arkansas.

'A wonderful letter….' have 10 comments

  1. October 4, 2011 @ 5:55 am Jan Hennings

    Thanks so much for an inspirational story!


  2. October 4, 2011 @ 6:04 am Martha Richardson

    Diane is such an inspiration, this story is incredible and the fact that the donor is now a part of her life brings tears to my eyes! Thank you for sharing and bringing such inspiration!


  3. October 4, 2011 @ 7:23 am Sue Lui

    Thank you for such an inspiring story, Diane. I was especially touched when I read about how you and your donor connected.


  4. October 4, 2011 @ 8:02 am Trish

    Dianne, I wish you continued great health and a long, happy life. You’ve got a delightful outlook on life and it shines in your story. Thanks for sharing it with us.


  5. October 4, 2011 @ 8:27 am Nicole

    Oh wow, thank you for sharing this. Made me cry… I have raised money for the past 2 years and participated in the Light the night walk and this is an inspiring story…


  6. October 5, 2011 @ 6:42 am Lara Carson

    that is an amazing story! So wonderful!


  7. October 5, 2011 @ 8:02 pm Holly Simoni

    Oh my, what an incredible story. There are Angels everywhere. What an inspirational woman. Hugs!


  8. October 5, 2011 @ 9:22 pm Lena

    Thank you for sharing this wonderful story. It makes me cry. God bless you and the donor.


  9. October 7, 2011 @ 3:13 am Diana Hetherington

    what a beautifully told inspirational story. thank you for sharing!


  10. October 11, 2011 @ 6:03 pm Pam

    What a truly beautiful inspirational story. I am so very moved by your fortitude & good fortune to have been able to find a donor. To actually have met after your year & connected the way you did is incredible. I lost my very best friend to this disease 2 months after she was diagnosed 6 years ago. I am so very glad that you have made it. Thank you so very much for sharing.


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This blog is a compilation of inspiration from the Canvas Corp Brands family including Canvas Corp, Tattered Angels and 7Gypsies.