There is a little Gypsy in every one of us, we wander, we travel, we dance, we say the wrong thing, we wear fun clothes, we do something we shouldn’t, we do a lot we should…Gypsy Moments are those special little things that happen while we live our unique and one of a kind lives.
Gypsy Moments are meant to be captured and remembered, they are the moments that create our lives and make us who we are. Gypsy Moments are not big events; they are not as big a the arrival of a new baby, a marriage or a holiday, anniversary or birthday. They are those special little moments that happen every day. They can interweave around special events, making those events memorable, but a Gypsy Moment does not need to be more than just a point in time that makes you blush, grin, smirk, tear, think, breath, dance, dream, wish, sigh….and helps you realize who you are.
Sometimes we cheat and eat something we should not, sometimes we say just what we need to say, when we need to say it, sometimes we get lucky just at the moment we need to, sometimes we think it, but don’t say it, we have an idea we don’t want to forget, we had a great day and want to capture the feeling, we had a day we need to forget and want to write down why. It may be a day filled with moments that make you want to laugh or cry, like those days where you just keep falling, bumping and hitting yourself for no apparent reason, those are so ‘Gypsy,’ or a great day when it seems like all the stars just line up. A Gypsy Moment can be when that sweet one says Mommy for the first time, when you finally have the courage to get that hair cut you have always wanted and someone says you look amazing or when a boss appreciates the amazing job you are doing.
Gypsy Moments can be so personal, but you can also pay them forward and make a Moment in someone else’s life. As each of these moments occur, capturing them in a note, sketch, doodle, photo…will help you tell your story in a fun and creative way. Maybe the story stays personal never to be shared, or maybe you have so many amazing ‘Gypsy Moments’ your story becomes something to share and inspire others.
The Gypsy Moments Collection is made up of little cards, folders, crates, trays, tags and creative little surfaces that are perfect for capturing the ‘Moment.’ Adding photos is also a fun way to bring the ‘Moments’ to life. Fill out a card a day, a week or just anytime and drop it into your crate, fill a tray or file them away. Documenting a ‘Moment’ let’s them live on forever or confessing what you wanted to say somehow makes it all right.
You know when you say the right thing, at the right time and make someone’s day or they do and make yours. When something ordinarily, extraordinary happens just when you need it to. Or when you say something you just should not say and yes you said it anyway, or thought it. When a co-worker brings you Starbucks on a day you really need it or when there is a snow day and you are so ready for one. That is why we call them Gypsy Moments. If you have every had a gypsy moment, or are now inspired to have one, share it, inspire others, make a difference, pay it forward, get it off your chest, yell really loud on the inside, smile really big on the outside, these are all ready to be…….#gypsymoment.
The Gypsy Moments Collection is filled with special things to say, words to help you say it, amazing vintage fabrics and great papers. This eclectic collection is the perfect way to create something special to remember the past, the present or to prepare for the future. The Gypsy Moments Cards are special cards that help you capture your Gypsy Moments and can be kept in file folders, books, crates and journals. Journal your Life in a fun and vintage way and make sure to capture the Gypsy Moments not just the big events in your life. Tell us your gypsy moments we would love to hear them.