Daily Archives: April 4, 2018

Steampunk Paper Mâché Dress Form mixed media tattered angels

Steampunk Paper Mâché Dress Form

Monica Longard from MonDo Creations is with us today sharing her first project as a CCB Crew member; it’s a Paper Mâché Dress Form which upcycled to become a fancy, vintage-looking handmade gift. Let’s see how she achieved that… I made this dress form as a birthday present for one of my friends. She is a crafter but does…

mixed media creativity tattered angels

Free Up Your Creativity with Mixed Media Board

I’m Crew Member Betsy Skagen of Paper Calliope and I wanted to share my “Unlock Your Mind” mixed media piece with you today in hope that it inspires you to let your imagination run wild and ignite your creativity. So many people categorize themselves as either “creative” or “not creative”. However, creativity is a mindset….

This blog is a compilation of inspiration from the Canvas Corp Brands family including Canvas Corp, Tattered Angels and 7Gypsies.