DIY Crafty Burlap and Paper Tree

Looking for a little something to create this weekend? How about a paper and burlap tree or a set of three?  These fun decor pieces can be done in any color combination and look terrific on a mantel, table or a as a centerpiece.  You might slip them in the snow for a second for a great photo, but we have to say these will last a bit longer inside where they will be warm and cozy.  15442318_10210354383312330_1886268072119268513_nCrew member Candy Rosenberg created these fun trees and will share with you today how fun and easy they are to make.

CCB:  Where did you get the inspiration?
Candy:  I came across some hard chipboard cones at a craft store and knew instantly what I was going to make. I bought all three so I can make more than one and create a set of burlap Christmas trees.These trees make a wonderful holiday decoration on a mantle in your home with a vintage look and are very easy to create.
Candy:   I started at the bottom using paper then used burlap, gluing it then folding it over to create a ruffle. Cut strips of Canvas Corp paper, then slice 2/3 up every 1/4 inch and curl the ends with a pencil to give it a dimensional effect. Keep alternating from the bottom up and you will be done in a flash.
Materials Used:
Canvas Corp Burlap
Canvas Corp Paper
Chipboard Cone Set (3 qty)
If you cannot find chipboard or paper cones, consider repurposing old holiday trees that need a make over or make your own by making a cone out of heavy cardboard and staple or glue it together.  Wood cones is another option.
Tools Used:
Scissors, ruler, paper cutter, Beacon Adhesives- FabricTac

The papers Candy used are not holiday papers nor are the colors, so choose papers and colors that match your home decor and have fun creating you own unique trees.  You can substitute the burlap with canvas and mist it or brighten it up a bit.

Happy Holiday Creating!!!


Canvas Corp Brands is the home of Tattered Angels, 7Gypsies and Canvas Corp (Canvas Home Basics). We are a manufacturer of surfaces, paint and vintage reproductions coming to you from Springdale, Arkansas.

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This blog is a compilation of inspiration from the Canvas Corp Brands family including Canvas Corp, Tattered Angels and 7Gypsies.