Easy Way To Alter a Cigar Box 7gypsies architextures

Easy Way To Alter a Cigar Box

Lena Holmstrom is our very own mini-book maker; she can create those small beauties in many different designs – one prettier than other. Having amassed quite a sizeable collection, she needed a box to house at least some of them.

With the help of Architextures elements and some Canvas Corp garland, Lena made not only some more of her gorgeous mini-books but also turned an old cigar box into their vintage-looking fancy new abode.

Easy Way To Alter a Cigar Box 7gypsies architextures

I bought an empty cigar box from a tobacco store. I wanted to make a pretty container for my mini books. Black gesso, old photo frame and 7g paper – that’s it. One evening and my project was completed. All I did was paint the box cover and the frame! – shares some insights Lena.

Easy Way To Alter a Cigar Box 7gypsies architextures

Materials used:
7gypsies Gypsy Moments 8×8 paper pad
7gypsies American Vintage – 4×6 printed file folders
Architextures 12×12 Floral Guide paper
Architextures Findings – Found Glass Bottles Collection
Architextures Trinkets – China Tea Cups
Architextures Trinkets – Floral Pocketbook
Architextures Trinkets – Ink Pens
Architextures Trinkets – Old Tin Cans
Architextures Treasures – Typewriter
Canvas Corp – Canvas Garland
Easy Way To Alter a Cigar Box 7gypsies architextures

I only needed two things to start: an old cigar box…

Easy Way To Alter a Cigar Box 7gypsies architextures

and an old photo frame. By the way, I will later on screw the frame onto the lid when all is decorated and dry.

Easy Way To Alter a Cigar Box 7gypsies architextures

I covered the lid of the box with black gesso. You could also use Tattered Angels High Impact paint here – it will do a great job!

Easy Way To Alter a Cigar Box 7gypsies architextures

Once the gesso dried, I added some texture with stencils and more black gesso.

I used Silk’s Acrylic glaze Iridescent Bronze to add the vintage feel to both the box lid and the frame.

I used some Relics&Artefacts elements as decoration. I have also added some Architextures Ink Pens and a chipboard.

I lined the inside of the box with the canvas garland. This makes the box a lovely, soft home for my mini-books.


Here are some of my mini-books – I love making them. You can never have enough of them. You need one for each of the papers that you own.

Easy Way To Alter a Cigar Box 7gypsies architextures

You can use a personalised box like this for storing your old photos, postcards or letters. Whatever the treasures, this beauty will be a worthy home for them.

Visit Lena’s blog and Instagram for more up-cycling ideas. 

Happy crafting!


Canvas Corp Brands is the home of Tattered Angels, 7Gypsies and Canvas Corp (Canvas Home Basics). We are a manufacturer of surfaces, paint and vintage reproductions coming to you from Springdale, Arkansas.

'Easy Way To Alter a Cigar Box' has 1 comment

  1. July 17, 2017 @ 8:52 pm Ann

    So wonderful, love how you used the black gesso. #RACCBmatchup


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This blog is a compilation of inspiration from the Canvas Corp Brands family including Canvas Corp, Tattered Angels and 7Gypsies.