While greeting cards are a nice way to send wishes and thoughts, a frame with a flower card inside may sound even better and be a special gift for someone. Using just one sheet of the Canvas Corp The Watering Can collection, and more specific just a part of it, coloring it with any of the many Tattered Angels paints and mists, you can make a handamde gift that will decorate a corner in the house and remind of your love and thoughts.
Choose blank wooden frames and add your touch of style by staining the wood with a Tattered Angels Glimmer Mist like the Verdigris that gives a stunning shade and a vintage effect on the light colored wood.
Materials used
- Tattered Angels – Glimmer Mist – Verdigris
- Tattered Angels – Glimmer Mist – Capri Blue
- Tattered Angels – Glimmer Mist – True Blood
- Tattered Angels – Glimmer Mist – Emerald Green
- Tattered Angels – Chalkboard Mist Paint – Mantis
- Tattered Angels – Baseboard Mist Paint – Gerber
- Tattered Angels – High Impact Metallic Paint – Light Gold
- Tattered Angels – High Impact Paint – Red
- Tattered Angels – High Impact Paint – Aqua
- Canvas Corp – The Watering Can: Seed Packets on Ivory Paper
- Wooden frames 4x6in
Step 1 – Color first the leaves of the flowers with Tattered Angels Chalkboard Mantis and then add details with the Emerald Green.
Step 2 – Mix some Tattered Angels High Impact Red paint with the Baseboard Gerber spray and color the rose. Darken some areas of it, adding detail, wth the Tattered Angels True Blood Glimmer mist.
Step 3 – Repeat the above using Hight Impact Aqua paint, Verdigris and Capri Blue Glimmer mists.
Step 4 – Dilute some Light Gold Tattered Angels High Impact paint with water and color the frames around the flowers.
Step 5 – Stain the wooden frames with the Verdigris Tattered Angels Glimmer mist and let them dry well. Place the flower cards in them.
Kyriakos Pachadiroglou
'Frame your flowering thoughts – spring home decor' have 2 comments
May 10, 2018 @ 4:52 pm Julia Cotrim
I love the idea of framing your flowers! Beautiful!
May 11, 2018 @ 12:14 pm Kyriakos Pachadiroglou
Thank you a lot Julia!!!