Spring English Garden Banner

There is nothing more majestic then a century old thriving English Garden  The ornamental flowers and plants. Envision climbing heirloom roses and vibrant wisteria engulfing a trellis or gazebo. Surrounding walkways are made from stone lined with reindeer moss. The setting of a perfect romance novel. Today, CCB Crew Designer, Peggy Terrell brings to life this scene in her latest project, A Spring English Garden Banner…Let’s scroll down learn to make our own via Peggy….

peggy banner completed 2

Time for some English Garden inspiration! My banner makes me imagine the flowers in an English Garden in a myriad of colors gently swaying on a warm spring breeze. Flowers everywhere with colorful butterflies flitting to each bloom while the sunshine spreads its warming rays on everything it sees. The warmth of the sun elevates the luscious scent of the flowers as the wind sweeps it across the beautiful gardens and inside the windows of the cottages. Meanwhile, the glittering crystals sway in the wind creating tiny rainbows and the long wisps of ribbons gently twist and turn. All the while, you think you hear a poet’s whisper of life, creativity and your journey…
peggy supplies
Materials Used 
Step 1:  If you want to trim the pennants in paint or paint your canvas flowers you can do that now (or wait until later like me) and let them dry before gluing them down. I’m a “do it and then change my mind” type of person, so I tend to wait. I thought I would like them plain, but as I continued I thought I would just paint the edges, and then I decided to add more paint until they were drenched with color. Sigh… That’s just how I roll.  I used Mixed Media Beacon glue to attach the Gypsy Seamstress Vintage Pennants and Canvas Corp Canvas Flowers to the Gypsy Seamstress Vintage Banners. It will hold fairly fast, so you don’t have to wait long to continue.
peggy step 1
Step 2:  The die cut butterflies that I used came with a couple of sheets of the round “buttons” you see on the butterflies. So, I attached a few of these to their little bodies. Use your glue to add the larger gorgeous butterflies to the bottom left of the pennant banners and the bottom right of the canvas flower banners. Add the petite, colorful flowers and a tiny butterfly to the left side of the canvas flower banners and the right side of the pennants.
peggy step 2
Step 3:  Attach your green vintage flowers to the centers of the canvas flowers. They come in varied shades so that just adds to the flavor of your piece. I loosely matched my shades of flowers to my butterflies and petite flowers. Hold your pieces down after gluing to make sure they stick completely to whatever they are attached to. It’ll just take a minute or so. Next, I grabbed my jute cord and ran it through the tokens, tied a knot and cut the jute ends to the length I liked; about an inch or less, or to your taste. For the bands, I cut a double length of cord and ran it behind and through one end of the band, and tied a knot, pulling it tight against the metal, then ran the two threads through the other side and made a loose knot that I inched towards the metal end before tightening. Attach your bands to the left top of the pennant banners and the tokens to the right side, just to shake things up!
peggy step 3
Step 4:  The canvas flowers were painted with a paintbrush (instead of misting) – one with Turquoise Blue Tattered Angels Glimmer Mist, one with Fully Purple Tattered Angels Glimmer Mist and Wedding Pink Tattered Angels Glimmer Mist. I added just a wee bit more of the color on the edges for shading, and then highlighted their centers with Summer Glow Tattered Angels Glimmer Mist. I really love the Summer Glow because it does just that – it adds a glow. Beautiful! I liked it so much that I also applied a bit to the green paper flowers in the center of the canvas flower. I dabbed it on the petals and the center of the flowers and it made a beautiful difference.
peggy step 4
Step 5:  I painted the edges of the Vintage Pennants in Gold Tattered Angels Glimmer Mist.
peggy step 5
Step 6:  I arranged my banners in the order I wanted them to be on the jute, then starting stringing them on 2 strands of jute, adding a Princessa crystal between each finished banner. I found that a large safety pin attached to your jute string helps you to thread your jute through the channels at the top of the banners. I also used a chopstick to help push the safety pin through the other side.
peggy step 6
Step 7:  Cut your jute as long as you need it to be, then tie some ribbons to each of the ends of the banners.
peggy step 7
If you’re stuck inside at work all day, your banner will make you feel like you’re outside in the flower garden. Can you smell those flowers? Feel the sunshine on your shoulders? Was that a butterfly kiss? And, where’s that gorgeous poet?
How fabulous was this project? We love it and can’t wait to see what you come up with. To see more examples of Peggy’s works visit her Instagram Page!
Happy Creating!!!


Canvas Corp Brands is the home of Tattered Angels, 7Gypsies and Canvas Corp (Canvas Home Basics). We are a manufacturer of surfaces, paint and vintage reproductions coming to you from Springdale, Arkansas.

'Spring English Garden Banner' has 1 comment

  1. November 10, 2016 @ 9:00 am The Creative Studio / Product Feature – Gypsy Seamstress Vintage Banners

    […] The banners also come blank and become the perfect backdrop for this beautiful vintage bunting.  Peggy added the printed pennants from the collection and it turned about beautifully.  Here is the link to her English Banner. […]


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This blog is a compilation of inspiration from the Canvas Corp Brands family including Canvas Corp, Tattered Angels and 7Gypsies.