Using Decor&DIY Paints with new Architextures

Hey everyone! It’s Dana Sanchez here. I am so happy to be on the CCB blog today.

I’m one of those craft obsessed women who love to collect craft supplies and ideas almost as much as they love to execute them, which means that I spend my me-time browsing online websites like the Canvas Corp Brands Store and local craft stores.  While I’m never short on project ideas, finding interesting foundations for paint and decoupage is my second nature. I’ve always wanted to make an altered art box but I didn’t have a machine to cut one from paper.  I could do it by hand but that never works out as well for me as I had hoped.  So seeing a pre-made box, on sale,  one with a lid that I can open, that is temptation itself.  In that isle of wooden surfaces, I also found the perfect addition to the box for a topper and legs.  Imagine that! (Don’t tell my family.  My New Year’s resolution was less me-time and more “use-what-I have-time.”)

paints with new architextures tattered angels canvas corp brands

What Dana used:
Tattered Angels Decor & DIY Paint Scarlet
Tattered Angels Decor & DIY Paint Crystal
Tattered Angels High Impact Aqua
Tattered Angels High Impact Metallic Paint Light Gold
Tattered Angels High Impact Antique Gold
7gypsies Architextures: Collection Papers Market Signs
7gypsies Architextures: Stash Paque – Enjoy
7gypsies Architextures: Tin Tiles – Onyx
7gypsies Architextures: Junque Paque

New 7Gypsies

I was so excited to start this project that I forgot to take some ‘before’ photos. However, what I did was so easy you are going to want to try it yourself.  The Tattered Angels Decor&DIY Paints work on all kinds of different surfaces but my favorite is wood.  A sturdy surface makes this technique easy.

1. I painted a single coat of Scarlet on the box let it dry completely.

2. I covered that with a single coat of crystal, which I also let dry completely.

3. I found some sandpaper in the garage and went to sanding until the red peaked through just how I wanted it.

4. I painted the eggs.  Using Antique God and Light Gold really creates a glowing warm color with depth so I often use them together.

5. When the eggs were dry I drew on them with black and white paint pens.

6. I gently sanded them.

7. I painted all the eggs again with light gold. This sealed the color on the paint pens keep it from scratching off.

With the painting done, I embellished.  And this is where I really got carried away and forgot to take pictures. The new Architextures line is so much fun to play with. The Tin Tiles and Market Signs are stickers which makes them easy to use but I supplemented them with Mod Podge to make sure they stayed where I put them.

I dipped the tip of my finger in the DIY/Home Decor Paint and used it to blend and highlight the tile backgrounds. I was worried the paint wouldn’t stick well to the Architextures but everything worked together like a dream.

7Gypsies Box

I cut my favorite pictures from the Architextures: Stash Paque – Enjoy to use as focal points and accented with the Paque stickers, gluing it all down with the Mod Podge. Matt Medium or any white PVA glue could be used too.

Aging Decor and DIY Paint

Layering Architextures for dimension

The little bird element I pulled from my stash was black.  I altered it with High Impact Paints to make it match the box.

All the photos of my finished piece were taken by my crafty bestie, Nancy Gaines.  Photography is her second favorite form of crafting and she is really good at it.  She added the special quote to this last photo too.  Just thinking out loud here, but next time I open the door to the Fed Ex guy bringing me a new order of 7gypsies Architextures, do you think this quote will work on my family?

paints with new architextures tattered angels canvas corp brands

I would love to see you stop by my blog and Instagram.

Have a great day!


Canvas Corp Brands is the home of Tattered Angels, 7Gypsies and Canvas Corp (Canvas Home Basics). We are a manufacturer of surfaces, paint and vintage reproductions coming to you from Springdale, Arkansas.

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This blog is a compilation of inspiration from the Canvas Corp Brands family including Canvas Corp, Tattered Angels and 7Gypsies.